Rebecca Hug


As counselors, we tend to specialize in areas we have experienced personally. I am a trauma therapist, coach, and consultant. I am dedicated to creating a brave space for clients to explore the impacts of their past and present so they can develop new skills for their preferred future. In sessions, I feel it is important to be compassionately direct. I specialize in applying trauma healing with parents, partners, and professionals.

Before becoming a counselor I served as a community organizer, justice coordinator, and youth formation specialist for nearly a decade. I take a family system and community-based approach with each client and business with whom I work. My skill set includes breaking down the neuro and family research on trauma impacts, co-creating with you ways to heal (not just cope), and envisioning and embodying a preferred way of living in the now.

I am certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and am a qualified administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a cultural competence assessment.

Rebecca is an LPCC-S, a licensed professional clinical counselor with supervisory designation, in the State of Ohio. She has completed her doctoral degree in Counselor Education and Supervision, has over 5000 hours of client care, and has maintained certifications and licensure by completing continuing education courses.

 Why Wild Oak?

Wild Oak Counseling & Professional Advancement was launched in February 2022. The name “Wild Oak” encompasses the healing journey we take to break the negative impacts of our trauma histories. Often, we, like the acorn, have experienced difficult childhoods where we’ve felt disconnected, misunderstood, scared, buried, and stuck. And somehow, we have found a way to break through the surface. We know there is light to grow towards and water and companions to spread our roots out toward; yet, for some reason we still feel stuck. We look at other folx who seemed to have figured life out and we don’t know how it can be so easy for them. We find ourselves asking “What’s wrong with me” or believing negative things like “I’m a failure” or “I’m never going to be good enough”. Wild Oak Counseling was created to help you on your journey of healing from trauma, growing your resilience, and supporting you to go wild living a full life. I take an educational and supportive approach to working with clients. I teach that, like the interconnected root systems of communicating trees, it is important for clients to understand why they think, speak, and act as they do. I would be honored to walk this journey with you.