Consulting & Training Topics

  • Trauma Awareness & Resilience Development for Professionals

    As professionals, we often interact with people who have experienced adverse and traumatic stressors. In this training, you will learn how to identify, respond to, and decrease the impacts of traumatic stress in your workplace. You will practice resilience development through activities tailored to increase emotional regulation, communication, and problem-solving. Teams will walk away with a collaborative plan of action to incorporate new trauma and resilience knowledge and skills.

  • Cultural Competence Assessment & Training

    Cultural competence is a set of ever-growing and changing skills that help us value differences that make a difference. The greater our cultural competence skills, the greater our ability to stay relevant as professionals. Organizations can participate in assessments of and training to improve the cultural competence skills of employees.

    How do I assess cultural competence?

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Training

    Businesses that embrace diversity and seek to create inclusive spaces gain, maintain, and sustain employees better. When our teams can acknowledge and integrate differences that make a difference, we’re able to bring out the best in our employees and the best our company has to offer. DEI training invites teams to create brave spaces with increased communication and understanding.

  • Mental Health Training for Professionals

    Mental Health Matters! Help your organization prioritize and promote mental health awareness. Trainings can include skill development in mindfulness, productivity, communication, boundaries, problem-solving, collaboration, and more.

  • Build Your Own Experience

    Let’s get creative and design a unique experience for your team! We can explore different training, experiential, and processing opportunities.

  • Team Building Opportunities

    Does your team need help to take the next step? Team building opportunities can span from establishing new vision and values, to training employees on specific skills, to developing a more intuitive professional bond. Through intentional and tailored activities, your team will grow together.

With professional advancement, you and your team will be invited to incorporate new knowledge, skills, and ways of being for both personal and professional growth. Opportunities include consultation and training in trauma-informed care, diversity & inclusion, and more.

What it’s like to work with Rebecca?

Listen. I listen to your vision, values, and hoped-for outcomes.

Research. I research the content and delivery methods that would work best for your team.

Lead. I lead you and your team through the work toward the identified outcomes.

Check-In. We check-in to evaluate if outcomes were achieved and what additional services may be beneficial.

Let’s see what’s possible!